

Zear a porté OpenDune 0.1 sur OpenDingux.
Vous aurez besoin du jeu original (dune 2) pour y jouer, ainsi que les codes du livret pour passer au second niveau.

Here's a little present from me: I checked the latest release of OpenDune and it was surprisingly stable, so I decided to share it with you. It's a quick proof-of-concept port without any key remapping or anything, so don't expect painless gameplay.

You will need either OpenDingux (power + B to enable mouse control), or SiENcE's virtual mouse for legacy (untested), because the game is fully mouse controlled.

You also need to have original Dune 2 datafiles from version 1.07 (see the README.txt).

Again, this is a raw port, I will try to make a proper port with keyboard shortcuts for move/attack/guard and other goodies in the future.

PS. If I remember correctly, there was a legality check after the first level, so better look for your game manuals




Site créé par CeddusGenius.